Incredibly thought provoking as usual. As you say, we have to be conscious of the context in which people are living and working in order to bring them along with us. Without that, it becomes a them and us type stand-off and it is too easy to say 'there they go again, preaching'.
I think in some ways traditions can actually be a help. In the past we lived a lot more in harmony with the world around and perhaps tapping into traditional practices in a way that feels relevant to the way that we live today can help us to rediscover some of those things that use to be blindingly obvious to us. I'm spending a lot of my time looking at Welsh place names and it is amazing what they can tell you about how we used to manage the land. There are places named after very specific species of tree where no trees are. If that doesn't say something about our impact, but also paint a vision for what that landscape might be again if we managed the land in a different way, I'm not sure what does.